Meaning Corrupted is now sold out of MD- Total Slit Destruction c92.
If you missed out and shop in Japan, check out: NEdS and Artecnico.
Worthless has a few copies of the hot little number MD- Precarious Load c30. Pent Up Release is sold out of Precarious Load!
Along with the upcoming various MD splits on Pent Up Release that should be out in the next batch or two, I'm also working on a c48 for Meaning Corrupted and my next full length album!!
PUR has received the LP jackets for the upcoming BSBC/MD split, Broken Press did an outstanding job!
Lastly, we're coming up on Thanksgiving and I want to know what you are thankful for! Share your thankful secrets with me and I'll share mine with you. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with hands :)